Students who refuse to be micro-chipped are punished by tyrannical Texas schools

Post by Mitch DeCanter

Christians and spiritual people, listen, this is a very dangerous thing when governments take it upon their own self to overstep the constitutional rights of citizens. To me this tyrannical effort only speaks to a much larger ill. That being that democracy is distorted by the people we hire to lead.  Where is our energy being wasted?  Please read the following news article and take some action if no more that just being in prayer:

(NaturalNews) The surveillance society continues to expand across America, with  those who refuse to go along subject to recriminations and  reprisals.

That’s what’s happening to students at John Jay High School  and Anson Jones Middle School in San Antonio whose parents refuse to have their  children tracked by school officials.

According to reports, the school  districts implemented new rules Oct. 1 that require each student to attend  classes with photo ID cards embedded with a radio-frequency identification  (RFID) chip, so officials are able to track every pupil’s location. Educators  have said the requirement is necessary to stem rampant truancy, which is, in  turn, taking a huge chunk out of the school’s funding. If the program is  eventually judged to be effective, officials plan to roll it out to all 112  schools in the district, covering some 100,000 students.

Kids who won’t  wear the ID trackers – which are supposed to be carried in pockets or around the  neck – complain they are being targeted by teachers and are not permitted to  take part in certain school functions. Some have even said they have been  refused entrance to common areas like libraries and cafeterias.

Mark  of the beast?

One student, Andrea Hernandez, a sophomore at John Jay,  said in an interview that educators have turned a deaf ear to her pleas to  respect her privacy and have told her she can’t participate in school elections  if she doesn’t comply with the tracking program (apparently the Constitution  really isn’t taught in many U.S. schools these days).

In an  interview with Salon, Hernandez said subjecting herself to such continual  monitoring was like being branded with “the mark of the beast,” a Biblical  reference to the Book of Revelations.

Later, in a separate interview  published by WorldNetDaily, Hernandez said the school  responded by threatening her with the loss of her right to vote in the school’s  homecoming king and queen contest for disobeying.

“I had a teacher tell  me I would not be allowed to vote because I did not have the proper voter ID,”  Hernandez told WND. “I had my old student ID card which they originally told us  would be good for the entire four years we were in school. He said I needed the  new ID with the chip in order to vote.”

Upon refusing to wear the  RFID-chipped ID, the web paper said Deputy Superintendent Ray Galindo fired off  a statement to her parents: “We are simply asking your daughter to wear an ID  bad as every other student and adult on the Jay campus is asked to  do.”

If she still refused; he went on, later repercussions would be  stiffer than merely revoking her rights to vote in homecoming contests once the  school decides to make the monitoring a mandatory attendance rule.

“I  urge you to accept this solution so that your child’s instructional program will  not be affected. As we discussed, there will be consequences for refusal to wear  an ID card as we begin to move forward with full implementation,” Galindo  wrote.

Steve Hernandez, Andrea’s father, told WND that the school seemed  somewhat willing to work with his daughter, but went on to say the family is  simply unwilling to “agree to stop criticizing the program” and endorse it  publicly.

“I told him that was unacceptable because it would imply an  endorsement of the district’s policy and my daughter and I should not have to  give up our constitutional rights to speak out against a program that we feel is  wrong,” Mr. Hernandez said.

Profiting from privacy  destruction

But there’s money in tracking and privacy violation, you  see – at least in this case.

The Northside Independent School District is  set to collect north of $2 million in state funding to revise its poor  attendance records; the RFID program will cost only about a quarter of that  amount, with another $136,000 in annual maintenance costs.

But that money  will likely not offset damages from unintended privacy violations on the back  end: Heather Fazio, of Texans for Accountable Government, told WND she  filed a Freedom of Information Act request regarding the program, for  which she paid a $30 filing fee, and received the names and addresses of every  student in the district.

“Using this information along with an RFID  reader means a predator could use this information to determine if the student  is at home and then track them wherever they go. These chips are always  broadcasting so anyone with a reader can track them anywhere,” she  said.

A spokeswoman for the American Civil Liberties Union told  the local San Antonio Express-News earlier this year her organization  expects to file a legal challenge to the tracking program.

But Rebecca  Robertson, who is with a local branch of the organization said that, “the ACLU  of Texas will not be able to represent you or your daughter in this matter,”  saying the case did not meet the group’s  criteria.


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About Faith Hope and Love Ministries

Mitch & Reuben are Christian Believers who want to share: And have you to share anything relative to Christian Living: The contents of “EnrichWithMitch & ReubenClark” only represent the ideas and opinions of the authors and not any specific doctrine, policy, attitude or opinion of any church or religious body. Mitch DeCanter and Reuben Clark encourage you to simply read the information and formulate your own opinions and conclusions. Enrich With Reuben and Mitch (Spiritual Enrichment)
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7 Responses to Students who refuse to be micro-chipped are punished by tyrannical Texas schools

  1. Morris Norton says:

    boy the article on the student id tag w/ the radio chip… that’s quite troubling. Especially when you consider that they probably already have what it takes to deal with truancy. Personally I think it’s mostly about $$ to fund their system and approaching a problem with a minimal effort mindset instead of doing what it takes to really deal with the problem of truancy (like sitting down with the parents and if they are uncooperative then deciding accordingly… oh, but that takes too much time!).

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  5. the Israelis this time around probably launched more ID interceptors than the Palestinians launched rockets with the vast majority of these missing.

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